Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gates tours broken, abandoned market that has come to symbolize progress in Afghanistan

1. This editorial is about how the Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates visited the town of Zad in Afghanistan. What the Secretary had heard is that the town had been a completely changed environment that had once been overridden by insurgents. Once he arrived there he saw a barren village with empty streets and shops, and plenty of Marines on the roofs. The village that had been controlled by insurgents and surrounded with as many as 5,000 land mines. With only 70 of the 1,500 shops open and about 1,000 of the previous 20,000 villagers present at the village, the village is becoming once again alive. Although the process is slow (because of the still existing land mines), it is a huge step for the Americans and the Afghans to see a village become "safe" once again. Especially since this specific village had been unsafe for 4 years.
2. I believe it is very cool to see a village in Afghanistan become secure and to finally see something positive come from that area. I just wish that it was an easier process that wouldn't be so slow and expensive, it's not that I don't agree with the military , simply that it is frustrating.
3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/09/AR2010030900097.html?hpid%3Dartslot

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