Sunday, October 25, 2009

Who will win the Virginia Governor's Race?

I am leaning towards Republican Robert F. McDonnell, a state attorney general as Virginia's next Governor. As of October 12, McDonnell had a seven point lead. It is still very close between him and Democrat Creigh Deeds however I believe McDonnell has the upper hand. Deeds stumbled over a debate question, opening the door to charges that he intended to raise taxes to cover the state’s transportation needs. McDonnell’s campaign has been pounding on the tax issue since late September. McDonnell also has been trying to link Deeds’ previous fortunes to those of President Obama. Deeds last month seemed to distance himself somewhat from the president but now says he hopes Obama will come to the state to campaign for him.Transportation is one of Virginia's largest political problems if McDonnell gets the peoples trust on this problem he may be open to the spot of Governor.




  1. I agree with you, I think that McDonnell will win the election. Deeds seems to be struggling to gain support for his transportation ideas and his tax ideas. Those are two of the biggest issues in Virginia right now and it seems that McDonnell has the better plans for both. Also, McDonnell seems to be running much more effective TV ads, so I think McDonnell will win the election.

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  3. Having Obama actively supporting Deeds may have some significant impact on stirring up a greater Democratic turnout for the election (Virginia voted Democratic in the presidential election, so it's not altogether impossible for Deeds to win). However, even if Obama does suddenly begin to stir up support for Deeds, it may be too late in the game to make a difference substantial enough to reverse the polls. Honestly, I doubt that Obama will even put forth the effort; McDonnell seems to have already established his appeal, and it's unlikely that such a trend in public opinion would change so abruptly.

  4. As of thus far, I agree with you, Lucas. McDonnell does look very safe in winning this election. He has favorable stands on several critical issues, and lots of Virginians like him. The Obama thing could prove to be controversial, bringing about favor for Deeds. But that favor depends on a lot of factors. As of now, with the Obama-Deeds team-up having not come about, it is anyone's game.
